The Green Deal Action Plan prepared by the Ministry of Trade and approved with the Presidential Circular numbered 2021/15 (“Action Plan”), is a roadmap aiming to support green transformation in all relevant policy areas. Action Plans mainly aims to establish Turkey’s compliance with the European Green Deal (“European Green Deal”) issued by the European Union (“EU”).

The European Green Deal addresses climate and environmental challenges in a broader and more effective way with the EU’s strategy of zeroing net greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, as well as creating jobs and improving quality of life while reducing emissions.

The Action Plan aims harmonization with the regulations and principles adopted under the European Green Deal, in order to contribute to Turkey’s transition to a more sustainable, resource-efficient and green economy, in a way that will preserve and carry forward the existing integration of Turkey within the scope of the EU Customs Union.

Main actions under the Action Plan to reach the related goals have been determined as (1) limiting carbon emissions, (2) a green and circular economy, (3) green financing, (4) a clean, economic and safe energy supply, (5) sustainable agriculture (6) sustainable smart travels, (7) combatting against climate change (8) establishing diplomacy principles and (9) raising awareness regarding European Green Deal.

To complete the objectives and activities within the scope of the Action Plan effectively, a working group will be established with the involvement of both the public and the private sector. In order to adapt to the changes determined by the Action Plan, further specialized working groups can be formed. Universities, non-governmental organizations, professional associations, and private sector representatives will also be able to contribute to the relevant working groups.

Details of the Action Plan can be found at this link. (Only available in Turkish)