Turkey’s Prime Ministry has announced an action plan (“Action Plan”) for transparency and anti-corruption during the 2016 to 2019 period. The Action Plan aims to develop a fair, accountable, transparent and credible management mentality, as well as prevent corrupt approaches, by increasing social awareness of anti-corruption. The Action Plan envisages preventative measures, legislative amendments, as well as measures to implement sanctions and increase of social awareness. It also establishes the Commission on Increasing Transparency and Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption in Turkey.
The Action Plan outlines the following steps:
- Developing transparency and audit in funding of political parties and campaigns.
- Reviewing provisions on declaration of wealth.
- Determining ethical principles for elected persons in district government.
- Determining ethical principles for each occupational group in administration, as well as preventing conflicts of interest.
- Implementing a single window system in customs.
- Reviewing the Public Procurement Law.
- Reviewing administrative permission procedures during investigations of public officials.
- Drafting provisions for protection of whistleblowers.
- Supporting social activities in relation to anti-corruption and decent society.
The Action Plan establishes the Commission on Increasing Transparency and Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption in Turkey is assigned to approve and implement the Action Plan. The Commission includes the Ministers of Justice, Labor and Social Security, Customs and Trade, Internal Affairs and Finance. It will be presided over by the Deputy Prime Minister.
The Executive Committee on Increasing Transparency and Strengthening the Fight Against Corruption In Turkey is assigned to carry out the Commission’s decisions, do required studies, monitor implementation of the Action Plan and ensure coordination. The Executive Committee includes Deputy Secretaries of the Ministries of Justice, Labor and Social Security, Customs and Trade, Internal Affairs and Finance Executive Committee. It will be presided over by the Deputy Secretary of the Prime Ministry.
The Action Plan was announced in Circular numbered 2016/10, published in Official Gazette numbered 29699 on 30 April 2016. Please see this link for the full text of the Circular and Action Plan (only available in Turkish).