Turkey has extended the fee payable to the Radio and Television Council to now include all devices which receive radio or TV transmissions via the internet. Previously, the fee only applied to devices which contained internal radio or TV broadcast receivers. Accordingly, 6% banderol fees now apply for cell phones and tablets which receive transmissions via the internet.
The Amendment Decision on Decision (“Decision”) of Law No. 3093 on Radio And Television Council’s Revenue regarding the Decision on Collecting Banderol Fee from Radio, Television, Video and Combined Devices and other Related Devices that Receive Radio Television Transmission (“Amendment Decision”) was published in the Official Gazette on 28 June 2016 with the Council of Minister’s decision No. 2016/8972.
Changes made by the Amendment Decision include:
- Previously, banderol fees only applied to devices which contain internal radio-TV broadcast receivers. The Amendment Decision extends this to include all devices which can receive radio or TV transmission via the internet.
- Cell phones and tablets which can receive radio and television broadcasting via the internet are added to the list announced in the Decision.
- Banderol fees rose from 6% to 7% for cell phones which have an internal receiver.
- 6% Banderol fees apply for cell phones and tablets which receive transmissions via the internet.
- 2% of banderol fees collected by the administration of customs must be transferred from the TRT to the Ministry for Customs and Trade. Previously, the fees were transferred upon the Ministry’s request, via a protocol between TRT and the Ministry.
Please see this link for the full text of the Amendment Decision (only available in Turkish).