Turkey’s Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock (“Ministry”) has published a Communiqué intended to encourage agriculture investments between 2016 and 2020. It outlines procedures and principals to improve rural incomes and develop capacity in rural communities. The Communiqué includes economic and social improvements in rural areas, development of agricultural and non-agricultural employment, as well as donations (primarily to women and young entrepreneurs).
The Ministry published the Communiqué on Support for Investments Based on Agriculture within the Scope of Supports for Rural Developments (“Communiqué”) in Official Gazette number 29864 on 21 October 2016, entering into effect on the same date.
The Communiqué aims to:
- Take natural resources and environmental preservation into account.
- Support small and middle sized enterprises to perform industrial integration based on agricultural production and agriculture.
- Develop agricultural marketing infra-structure.
- Improve food safety.
- Popularize new agricultural technologies amongst consumers.
- Enhance efficiency of on-going rural development works.
- Support investments, including new technologies.
Notable provisions introduced by the Communiqué include:
- A scheme will be introduced to support investments and donations for:
- Building storage, package and processing facilities for:
- Agriculture products.
- Animal products.
- Water products.
- Greenhouses, using renewable energy.
- Fixed investments towards agriculture products.
- Renewable energy production facilities.
- Building storage, package and processing facilities for:
- Upper limits are placed on the donations towards certain economic investments.
- Investors must apply within 45 days of 21 October 2016.
Please see this link for the full text of the Regulation (only available in Turkish).