“Geleceğin Patronları” (Bosses of the Future) entrepreneurship competition run by Finansbank and Bilkent University is evolving in the phase of business and legal trainings to the shortlisted finalists, aiming to give a general perspective on different disciplines that may affect their pitching presentations. The trainings are instructed by a selected panel of academicians, businessmen and investors who are actively involved in Turkish entrepreneurship ecosystem.
Ülkü Solak a member of the firm contributed to one of these training sessions at Bilkent University on 29 November 2014 and gave a lecture on legal aspects of receiving investment and the general aspects of Turkish intellectual property rights regime. Two hours session devoted to Ülkü’s presentation witnessed interactive discussions on a wide range of topics from investors’ due-diligence, the key terms of term sheets and financing agreements e.g. vesting, liquidation preference, anti-dilution rights and share transfer restrictions to the protection of intellectual property rights such as trademark, patent and utility models.
Moroğlu Arseven will continue to support this program. Entrepreneurs that receive angel investment and venture capital funding within the ambit of this competition will then receive the firm’s legal assistance. Counseling services will include review of term sheets, negotiation of share purchase agreements and closing of transactions.